
Node.js is a JavaScript Interpreter. In fact it is the same Interpreter found in Chrome (V8). Node.js however is used to write servers and desktop (command line) software.


Download the lastes version:

Install using the installer. On Mac OS if you are blocked (unidentified developer etc.) Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General and click on the button Open Anyway.

Once the installation is complete you can use Node.js in Bash. Type:

$ node

To enter the JS shell.

To execute(interpret) a JS file:

$ node <filename.js>

To install node modules/packages:

$ npm install <package_name>


http-server is a command line server tool. It can turn any folder into a static http-server. Once executed it prints out the URL where your files can be accessed over http.

To install

$ npm install http-server

To use

$ http-server <folder_path>

If no folder is specified then the pwd will be used.

You can also specify port number as:

$ http-server <folder_path> -p <port_no>