Programming the Cloud

Programming the Cloud (PtC) is a reference for learning-by-example the following:

  1. Front end web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript).
  2. Full-stack architecture design.
  3. Implementing backend servers using Node.js.
  4. Administrating and programming mongoDb databases.
  5. Building apps using Cordova, Capacitor and Electron.
  6. Advanced JS concepts like the event-model, anonymous functions, callbacks etc.
  7. Program internet/bluetooth enabled microcontrollers (focus on esp32).
  8. Design/implement Voice UI for Amazon Echo, Google Nest etc.
.... and much, much more.

PtC is free and open source, you can find the source code on GitHub. Issues and feature requests can be posted on the GitHub issue tracker.


PtC is organized into 4 broad sections.

  • Section 1 teaches you the preliminary concepts and basic skills.
  • Section 2 discusses front end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, JSON.
  • Section 3 completes our discussion on full-stack programming by covering back-end technologies such as servers, databases, managing IaaS, scaling etc.
  • Section 4 covers how to write client and server programs on microcontrollers thus enabling us to connect everyday objetcs to the Internet (an emerging field called the Internet-of-Things (IoT)).


"Programming the Cloud" book, all the source code, is released under the GNU General Public License v2.