JS Data Types

JavaScript variables are loosely typed, that is the data type of a variable can be changed at anytime. This is an important distinction from other strongly typed languages such as C, C++ and Java.

var Keyword

Since JS is loosely typed there is only one variable declaration type -- using the var keyword (as opposed to a language like C, which has int, float, char and other variable types).

typeof Operator

Even though there is only one type of variable declaration, JS does have different data types. Loose typing allows for the same variable (think of it as a container for values) to be reassigned to different data types. The typeof operator allows us to inspect the datatype of the variable.

var x;
typeof x; // undefined

x = 1;
typeof x; // number

x = "a string";
typeof x; // string


A variable that is yet to be assigned a value is of the type Undefined. It holds the value undefined.

Note that the Undefined data type has only one value undefined.


When a varible is assigned a number (whether a whole number of a decimal it is now holds the data type Number.

Apart from regular whole numbers and decimals there are some special Number values. For example:
var x = 9/0; // Infinity
typeof x; // number

x = -x // - Infinity
typeof x; // number

x = 0/0 // NaN -- not a number
typeof x; // number

Number Methods

Number is not an object (objects will be discussed in detail later), but a variable with typeof "number" has some methods associated with it.


A number can be converted to its string representation by the toString() method.

var x = 10;
y = x.toString();
typeof y; // string

x = 3.142;
y = x.toString();
typeof y; // string

This method also allows for conversion from one base to another.

var x = 13;
y = x.toString(2); // 1101
z = x.toString(16); // d


This function allows convertion to different precision strings

var x = 13;
y = x.toFixed(2); // 13.00
z = x.toFixed(1); // 13.0


This function converts numbers into its scientific notation string.

var x = 13;
y = x.toExponential(2); // 1.30e+1
z = x.toExponential(1); // 1.3e+1
a = x.toExponential(0); // 1e+1
Other Number mainipulation Methods


This function converts strings to respective integers.

parseInt("13"); // 13
parseInt("3.142"); // 3
parseInt("3slndv"); // 3
parseInt("3.14slndv"); // 3


parseFloat("13"); // 13
parseFloat("3.142"); // 3.142
parseFloat("3slndv"); // 3
parseFloat("3.14slndv"); // 3.14


String is a built in data-type in all JS interpreters. A String can be assigned to any variable by the assignment (=) operator. A string literal can be enclosed with either single or double quotes.

var st = "a string"; // string assignment
var st1 = 'another string'; // string literals can use either single or
double quotes

Each element (character) of the string can be indexed by using its index, or the position. Remember strings are zero-indexed i.e. indexing starts with zero. Therfore st[0] refers to the first character in a string, st[1] refers to the second character and so on. The total number of characters can be accessed by the length property.

var st = "a string"; 
var len = st.length; // 8

A string is also an object and has built-in methods. Let is look at a few of them in action.

var st = "a string";
var x = st.indexOf("s"); // 2

var words = st.split(" "); // [ "a", "string" ]

var aChar = st.charAt(6); // "n"

var charCode = st.charCodeAt(6); // 110 

A full list of String methods are listed below.

String Methods

[ Ref.]

Method Description
charAt() Returns the character at the specified index (position)
charCodeAt() Returns the Unicode of the character at the specified index
concat() Joins two or more strings, and returns a new joined strings
endsWith() Checks whether a string ends with specified string/characters
fromCharCode() Converts Unicode values to characters
includes() Checks whether a string contains the specified string/characters
indexOf() Returns the position of the first found occurrence of a specified value in a string
lastIndexOf() Returns the position of the last found occurrence of a specified value in a string
localeCompare() Compares two strings in the current locale
match() Searches a string for a match against a regular expression, and returns the matches
repeat() Returns a new string with a specified number of copies of an existing string
replace() Searches a string for a specified value, or a regular expression, and returns a new string where the specified values are replaced
search() Searches a string for a specified value, or regular expression, and returns the position of the match
slice() Extracts a part of a string and returns a new string
split() Splits a string into an array of substrings
startsWith() Checks whether a string begins with specified characters
substr() Extracts the characters from a string, beginning at a specified start position, and through the specified number of character
substring() Extracts the characters from a string, between two specified indices
toLocaleLowerCase() Converts a string to lowercase letters, according to the host's locale
toLocaleUpperCase() Converts a string to uppercase letters, according to the host's locale
toLowerCase() Converts a string to lowercase letters
toString() Returns the value of a String object
toUpperCase() Converts a string to uppercase letters
trim() Removes whitespace from both ends of a string
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a String object


Arrays are another built in data-type that allows the programmer to manage lists. Unlike strings, which only allows characters to be part of the list, arrays can have any valid JS value(variable/literal) as members. Similar to string, the number of list members can be accessed via the length property.

var arr = ["a", 1, "a string", 3.14];
var len = arr.length; // 4

Array Methods

[ Ref.]

Method Description
concat() Joins two or more arrays, and returns a copy of the joined arrays
copyWithin() Copies array elements within the array, to and from specified positions
entries() Returns a key/value pair Array Iteration Object
every() Checks if every element in an array pass a test
fill() Fill the elements in an array with a static value
filter() Creates a new array with every element in an array that pass a test
find() Returns the value of the first element in an array that pass a test
findIndex() Returns the index of the first element in an array that pass a test
forEach() Calls a function for each array element
from() Creates an array from an object
includes() Check if an array contains the specified element
indexOf() Search the array for an element and returns its position
isArray() Checks whether an object is an array
join() Joins all elements of an array into a string
keys() Returns a Array Iteration Object, containing the keys of the original array
lastIndexOf() Search the array for an element, starting at the end, and returns its position
map() Creates a new array with the result of calling a function for each array element
pop() Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element
push() Adds new elements to the end of an array, and returns the new length
reduce() Reduce the values of an array to a single value (going left-to-right)
reduceRight() Reduce the values of an array to a single value (going right-to-left)
reverse() Reverses the order of the elements in an array
shift() Removes the first element of an array, and returns that element
slice() Selects a part of an array, and returns the new array
some() Checks if any of the elements in an array pass a test
sort() Sorts the elements of an array
splice() Adds/Removes elements from an array
toString() Converts an array to a string, and returns the result
unshift() Adds new elements to the beginning of an array, and returns the new length
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of an array


The Boolean data type contains 2 values true and false;

var x = true;
typeof x // boolean

x = false;
typeof x // boolean

Before continuing with more complex data-types (objects) and functions we will now look at more operators and programming constructs used in JavaScript.